Based on an economic impact assessment recently conducted by Malatest, the University of Manitoba (UM) has announced that it contributed $7.3 billion to Manitoba in 2022, which is more than nine percent of the province’s GDP. We were proud to work with UM on this important project, which also found that the University has a positive return on investment: The Province receives $4.10 for every dollar of funding it invests in UM.
Our approach to this assessment included capturing the direct, induced, and indirect static impacts of UM’s activities related to institutional, student, and visitor spending. We also estimated the alumni education premium and research impact, two long-term economic impacts. To find out more about UM and this research, you can visit the UM website or read more from the Winnipeg Free Press.
We would also be happy to discuss with you our economic and social impact assessment work. Reach out to us today!